Posts Tagged ‘job opportunities’

Here’s the Rant

June 4, 2009
Grrr!!  I'z angry kitty!!

Grrr!! I take my anger and laugh in your silly face!

Here it is.  The rant.  You had to know it was coming.

Truth is, anger can be a great motivator.  That’s what got me going on my search for better job opportunities.  I was so upset by the thought of having to sit in an office for the rest of my life that it was making me crazy.

Think about it.  Sitting in front of a computer all day long doing what other people tell you to do can’t be good for you.  You miss out on being exposed to things like sunshine and fresh air.  You feel yourself losing muscle mass while you do less and less physical activity and get more and more used to snacking on whatever makes you feel better.

All right, that’s too many “you’s.”  The fact of the matter is that this is how I felt.  Like a part of me was becoming a little less human every day.  That’s why I had to do something different.  I can’t work for someone else forever and just wait for my ship to come in.  I’ve got to find my ship, raise the sail, and head toward the horizon to see what else might be out there.  FYI: I have no idea how to sail, it just seemed like a nice metaphor.

I feel awful when I think about how many people are struggling financially right now, just trying to pay the bills and take care of their families.  I wish the economy was better and people had more opportunities.  Part of me wants to believe that we can create our own luck if we simply refuse to give up and keep looking for something better.  That’s what gets me out of bed in the morning: the hope for change and progress.

I really hope that we, as individuals and communities, have the power to make our lives better.  I’m doing what I can to improve my life.  When I encounter a lack of support or understanding, I’m laughing off all my frustrations and choosing to persevere!