Inspiration: It’s usually right in front of you begging to be acknowledged

This morning I listened to one of President Obama’s press conferences.  He talked about the war, health care reform, and his nagging smoking habit (only because he was provoked by a press agent; he openly admitted that he struggles with smoking but is not a daily smoker, nor does he smoke around his family).

This past weekend, I had a discussion with a close friend about identifying a core sense of purpose in our lives.  We agreed it was a difficult but incredibly important task, and that we both want to spend this period in our lives focusing on.

Between the above two instances, I’m feeling inspired to identify and move toward my individual purpose in this universe in hopes of utilizing it to serve the infamous greater-good (I kid; the greater-good is obviously an awesome and infinitely valuable…thing).  So, what is my purpose?  Well, I can’t say that I know exactly.  I definitely know what it isn’t.  So far, I derive purpose from:

1. Nurturing my own self-care and the kindness I show others

2. Becoming self-sufficient and not being limited by the typical rules of society (hence the desire for self-employment)

3. Helping others identify their goals and have the courage to pursue them

I hope that this list will become more extensive and specific over time.  For now, it is a start, and I suggest you all construct a similar list.  It only has to take a moment to begin the process of focusing in on your goals.  You don’t have to do it all today.  Just set your intention in that direction and it will begin to happen naturally, even when you aren’t actively seeking out your life’s purpose by delving into the under-explored corners of your brain.  These corners will begin to unfurl and reveal themselves if you just give them a little space to play in–like a tiny playground for excess psychic energy.

Good luck becoming the best version of yourself possible!  You are worthy and deserving of nurturing this version of yourself.  It might mean mediting or educating yourself about something that might help you.  Just make a little time in your life each day to allow your potential to begin to manifest.

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